🚀 April 20th, 2023 -V2 is launched! 1s starts from cold! 🎉

Live Streaming with OBS+RTMP

🎥 Live


Live Stream to the GPUX Edge and deliver the same media to your viewers.

Live Stream

Let GPUX Ingest your Live Stream RTMP with full OBS support. Then deliver it using the GPUX VDN to your viewers with full HLS support or mp4 frames over websockets.

Video delivery network (VDN)

The GPUX video delivery network provides live video media delivery for HLS players like hls.js or VLC. The VDN has free Egress!

4k and 4k 360 Live streaming

Streaming resolutions over 4k like 360 video 60 fps, 3840x3840, is fully supported.


Use GPUX to ingest your RTMP stream then allow your viewers to view it from the GPUX Video Delivery Network. Make your business model work with free EGRESS.

Get started on GPUX today!

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